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大家在看重生神医有空间 无限轮回之极品大主播 龙珠之我能看到战斗力 盗墓:身穿后我亲手养成了邪帝 女主一见钟情男二 我在诸天有座庙 都市俏宅师 我在末世当司机 侦婚之法医老公住隔壁 盗墓:觉醒彼岸花血脉 
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第3章 利用技术手般操控利率使借款人陷入困境

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Undeterred, Sarah and Mike enlisted the help of a brilliant puter programmer, Alex. With his expertise, they were able to safeguard the evidence and track down the hackers within TransFin. This breakthrough provided the detectives with invaluable information, ultimately leading them to the mastermind behind the corrupt operation - the pany's CEO, Richard Lawson.

Finally ready to expose the truth, Sarah, Mike, and Alex organized a press conference to unveil the heinous crimes mitted by TransFin. They unveiled the evidence, displaying the algorithm, testimony from victims, and the names of the corrupt employees involved. The public was shocked and outraged by the revelations, demanding justice for those who had been exploited.

Law enforcement swiftly arrested Richard Lawson and the corrupt employees, ensuring they faced the consequences of their actions. TransFin's operations were immediately shut down, and a thorough investigation was launched to pensate the victims and reform the financial lending industry.

The exposure of TransFin's fraudulent practices sparked a nationwide movement to regulate and monitor mobile financial applications, ensuring the safety and well-being of borrowers. Sarah and Mike's relentless dedication and determination to bring justice to the victims had successfully exposed a corrupt system and restored faith in the financial industry.

As for Sarah, her reputation as a fearless detective grew, and she continued to fight for justice in other cases. The story of her triumph against TransFin became a cautionary tale for future generations, reminding them of the importance of diligence, integrity, and accountability in the world of finance.故事名称:网络迷踪




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